The Formula Tag

During transformation, dynamic Excel formulas may created using the "formula" tag. This tag must be used in the bodiless form. When processed, the "formula" tag creates a new Excel formula in the cell.

This is different than JETT Formulas. JETT Formulas are static, but JETT keeps track of the original cell references in the template and produces the correct references for the finished spreadsheet. With dynamic formulas, the formula text comes from an Expression. JETT does not process these formulas any further than the evaluation of the formula Expression, other than placing the new Excel formula in the cell.


  • The "formula" tag supports all base tag attributes.
  • bean: String Optional. This specifies the name of the bean to be evaluated to obtain the formula text. E.g. bean="beanName" => ${beanName} => "formula" => "${wins} / (${wins} + ${losses})". Either "bean" or "text" must be specified, but not both.
  • text: String Optional. This specifies the actual formula text to be used in the Excel formula. E.g. text="${wins} / (${wins} + ${losses}). Either "bean" or "text" must be specified, but not both.
  • ifError: String Optional. This specifies the text that the Excel formula should display if the main formula text is evaluated and it results in an Excel error. This wraps the formula text in an Excel "IF" formula and an "ISERROR" formula, e.g. text="${numerator} / ${denominator}" ifError="Can't divide by zero! => IF(ISERROR(5 / 0), "Can't divide by zero!", 5 / 0). If this is not specified, then the formula is not wrapped.

Text Example

This template uses the "text" attribute to create an Excel formula.

<jt:formula text="${wins} / (${wins} + ${losses})"/>

This gets transformed into...


In Excel, the formula text is visible: =10 / (10 + 10).

In this case, it may be better to include "ifError" to avoid an Excel error showing up in the cell.

<jt:formula text="${wins2} / (${wins2} + ${losses2})" ifError="-"/>

This gets transformed into...


In Excel, the formula text is visible: =IF(ISERROR(0 / (0 + 0)), "-", 0 / (0 + 0)).

Bean Example

In this example, the bean "formulaBean" has the value "formulaText". The "formulaText" bean has the value "${wins} + ${losses}".

Games Played
<jt:formula bean="formulaBean" />

This gets transformed into...

Games Played

In Excel, the formula text is visible: =10 + 10.