During transformation, Excel named ranges may have their reference formulas changed using the "name" tag. This tag must be used in the bodiless form. When processed, the "name" tag associates the given named range with a JETT formula. After transformation is complete, JETT formula processing recognizes that a named range is associated with the JETT formula, and it replaces the named range's formula with the proper Excel formula generated based on the JETT formula. The "name" tag is used in an otherwise blank cell, and the end result is that the cell that contained the "name" tag is cleared of content.
This example demonstrates how "name" tags work with named ranges and charts. The chart has its series ranges referring to named ranges. The "name" tags associate a JETT formula with the named ranges that are used by the chart.
Here is the template.
The chart has one series, and its values are taken from "Employees!employee_salaries". The x-axis values are taken from "Employees!employee_names". Note that it doesn't matter what the named ranges refer to in the template, because the "name" tags will cause their ranges to be overwritten by the JETT formulas. But it does matter that the named ranges are created in the template. The "name" tag won't create a named range; it will only modify the formula for an existing named range.
This template gets transformed into...
No complicated "offset" formulas are needed to fool Excel into taking the proper ranges for the chart. There is no need to hard-code the number of rows into the chart series. Here are the named ranges in the resultant spreadsheet: